Baseball plays and drills
Station work
Playname: Bunting practice, base bunt def
Practice Number One
Bunting Practice & Base Bunt Defense

Station One:  Base Bunt Defense (Nobody on Base)
Coach (C) calls out "Square" then:
• 3rd Baseman charges in
• SS covers 2nd
• 2nd baseman covers 1st
• 1st baseman charges in
• Pitcher charges in
• Catcher comes in front of the plate

Station Two: Sacrafice Bunting
Tosser (T) flips ball to Bunter (B)
• Bunter (B) attempts to place the ball between the cones on the first base line or the between the cones on the third base line.
• Coach (C) observes and provides help when needed.
Practice Number One
Bunting Practice & Base Bunt Defense

Station One:  Base Bunt Defense (Nobody on Base)
Coach (C) calls out "Square" then:
• 3rd Baseman charges in
• SS covers 2nd
• 2nd baseman covers 1st
• 1st baseman charges in
• Pitcher charges in
• Catcher comes in front of the plate

Station Two: Sacrafice Bunting
Tosser (T) flips ball to Bunter (B)
• Bunter (B) attempts to place the ball between the cones on the first base line or the between the cones on the third base line.
• Coach (C) observes and provides help when needed.

Submitted by: Chris Dulavitch
Sub categories: Warming up, Throwing

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