Defense 1st Third Situation.
Runner at 3rd breaks for home on the throw to Short Stop.

2nd base rotates over to cover the base.
Short Stop begins moving into position.

Short Stop is in position.
1st and 2nd shout 'Going'!

Runner breaks on the throw.
2b covers the base and "waits" for the throw.
SS is moving in for the catch.
C moves to block the plate.

3B shortens the distance in case a possible rundown.
Pitcher begins moving toward 1st base side.

Shortstop fires a strike to the catcher.
Pitcher moves to back up the play at the plate.
Catcher prepares for the throw.

Field is under control.
Runner at second is controlled.
3B begins moving back toward 3rd.
SS moves to back up 3rd in case another play.
Catcher has a clear throw to 2nd.

Submitted by: Gary A. Larson